校长致辞 Welcome Letter
  我们通过由英国剑桥大学国际考试委员会组织并阅卷的全球统考,帮助学生申请到海外大学就读。学生必须努力学习,勇于挑战,并具备一定的英语水平才能在我中心就读。我中心像这样的学生很多。如果你认为你本人或者你认识的人有意向就读我... 【点击更多】
        Andrew Derham
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Study Abroad 海外求学——Welcome on Board! 欢迎启航!
发表时间:2016/3/30 16:38  来源:剑桥国际高中  浏览次数:191
  By Miss Ajina Remadevi

  This article is dedicated to all my lovely A2 students who are soon going to fly to their new destinations (Universities abroad). Here you may find a simple tip to deal with your new and very first challenge i.e adjusting to a new CCE (Country, Culture & Education System). And that lifesaving tip (sort of) is none other than AAP (Aware, Accept & Proactive).

  这篇文章是为了我可爱的A2的学生们,他们将要去到新的目的地(国外的大学)。在这篇文章里,你可以学到一个简单的小窍门去处理你即将面临的全新的挑战,也就是适应新的CCE(Country国家, Culture文化 & Education System教育系统)。而这某种程度上算是救生的技巧不是别的,正是APP(Aware意识, Accept接受& Proactive积极主动)。
  Be Aware that you are in a new country with a different culture, lifestyle and education system which is completely different from your home environment. The more you are aware of the differences, the more you are prepared. Try to get connected with the students’ community already living in the new environment and get more information on the living and studying there. Social media can play an important role here. Usually major UK and US universities have a CSSA - Chinese Student and Scholar Association, the organisation that often provide some solid information on living and studying from the perspective of Chinese students. Getting connected with such organisations or students’ unions prior to arrival is a good idea. You may find some useful students’ unions and their websites here:
  The Chinese Scholars and Students Association (CSSA)中国学者和学生协会
  The Chinese Society中国社会
  Sino-English Corner汉英角
  Sheffield Students' Union谢菲尔德学生会
  Accept the fact that ‘be independent’ are the best words to characterise life abroad. Independence in basic life skills and independence in studies are two pillars of life for an international student. Gaining an independent study style is more challenging than being independent in basic life skills. Students must accept that the western education system distinguishes itself by encouraging students to be independent, creative and critical thinkers and learners. Graduate programs in universities abroad demand students to conduct independent course projects, including identifying the topic of interest and to conduct research and writing.
  Be Proactive. Being proactive and reaching out for help is integral to exerting one's independence. Independence is essential to success, especially when we are part of an increasingly interconnected world or a global village. Newly arrived students essentially have to formulate their own social networks, acquaintances and friends to fulfill their basic needs, which could range from getting a ride to the store for food to spending some quality social time together. Acquiring more social experience and polishing interpersonal skills prior to studying abroad can help students to be prepared.
  Studying abroad is a major life decision and can be proven to be a turning point in your life which requires a lot of preparation, not just academic studies. Social and psychological readiness is a key dimensions to success yet are often neglected by many students and their parents. Starting to pay attention to these factors, even if you don't have much time before you go, can make a huge difference to your experience once you get there.


  So……..Ready to Take Off?  FlyHigh……
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